Blog Posts


February 27, 2023

Have you ever found yourself making a decision solely based on how you feel? Emotions have the power to influence our thoughts, behaviors, and actions. But have you ever wondered if emotions are innate or constructed by the brain? In this blog post, we will take a deep dive into the theory of constructed emotions and how they shape our experiences and actions.

Constructed emotion

January 30, 2023

Activation Functions

December 7, 2022

Activation functions are a critical component of a neural network and, thus, are fundamental building blocks for deep learning. They also serve a very important purpose of shaping the behavior of a deep learning model by introducing non-linearity to it.

Understanding Precision and Recall

November 1, 2022

So you've built a machine learning model, trained it on a data and tested on another data... now what?... It is always a good practice to evaluate the quality of one’s work.

Paper Review - A Neural Network Model for Mathematical Development

November 8, 2021

The ability to improve in speed and accuracy as a result of repeating some task is an important hallmark of intelligent biological systems. In this work, the authors model the progression from a counting-based strategy for addition to a recall-based strategy. The model consists of two networks working in parallel- a slower basal ganglia loop and a faster cortical network.